
Photo taken by: Felix Kogler (Flying Kiwi Traveller)

Picton Tour

Picton - Tour Highlights

Nestled in a sheltered harbour, this small town of around 3000 people thrives in the summer months with tourists visiting the attractive seafront sprinkled with busy cafes, restaurants and galleries. Picton is the home of a floating maritime museum, an aquarium and multiple water-activity operators. A beachside playground and stunning shorefront is continuously occupied by families and beach-goers. It is also the town that services the ever-popular Queen Charlotte trail that can be completed on foot or bike over the cooler months. Picton is also considered the gateway to the South Island.

Marlborough is famous for it’s large contribution to New Zealand's booming Wine industry and because much of the region is sheltered by high country, it is the county’s sunniest region. Marlborough has over 170 wineries of which, to the wine-lover's delight, Flying Kiwi offer a visit into one of the most renowned along the tour. These informative wine tours and enticing tastings have transformed Marlborough into New Zealand’s flagship of the wine and food industry and a real attraction for viticulture enthusiasts. You will be treated with stunning views of the many vineyards and beautiful farm land as the bus travels over the Wither hills toward the epic east coast and our next stop in Kaikoura.